At SJJ Parel Primary School we believe that 0-3 yrs is a period of acquisition and 3-6 yrs is a period of consolidation. The foundation of the child’s personality is made from birth to 6 yrs.

The programme engages young children to develop as individuals, both in the classroom and in the world outside, with a strong emphasis on inquiry-based learning, apace from conceptual learning

Our belief is that every child should be consulted in his/her own growth, to ensure this we allow the children to explore, investigate and play through freely chosen activities alongside adult initiated activities. The environment is set up so that the children are given continuous love and security to attain their independence. This helps the child to collaboratively work with his peers. The child absorbs non-selectively and unconditionally from the environment.

Early learning education is best taught naturally through constructive and imaginative play, reading together, various fine and gross motor activities, music & movement, gym, art and craft, and games.

These stimulate your child’s curiosity but does not pressurize or stress him/her, every child develops at his own pace. There is no ‘right’ order in which children learn these concepts. Education is an aid to life it must begin where life begins.